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Monday, February 13, 2012

Home Detox: What is Home Detox?

A Home Detox is the process of going through a medical detoxification while remaining in the home. The medical detoxification is necessary because of physical dependence on a substance such as alcoholopiates, or benzodiazepines. The person in need of the detox is physically dependent on these substances and may be addicted as well. 

A medical Home Detox can have serious consequences and should only be attempted with medical supervision. A physician can assess the client to determine what medication and / or safeguards need to be in place. A responsible person should be available to stay with the person who is in the midst of a medical detoxification. Ideally a medical professional will check on the person daily, or, in the case of Executive Home Detox, an expert nurse will stay with the client 24/7 and supervise the medical detox while the person is in the comfort of their own home. 

An Alcohol Detox at home may take anywhere from a couple days to 6 days depending on the length of time and amount of alcohol the person has been consuming. An opiate detox at home may take anywere from seven days to fourteen days depending on the desired comfort of the medical detoxification. 

Executive Home Detox is a unique treatment model that delivers the medical detox care to the home. The nurse stays with the client 24/7 and focuses on safety and comfort. 

Opiates include: Heroin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Percocet, Roxicet, Roxies, Roxy's, Oxy's, Dilaudid, Hydromorphone, Opana, Hydrocodone, Vicodan, 

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